@InProceedings{ die93fct, author = "Volker Diekert", address = "Heidelberg", booktitle = "Proc. 9th Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT'93), Szeged (Hungary) 1993", editor = "Z. {\'E}sik", note = "Invited Lecture", volume = "710", pages = "1--15", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", title = "Rewriting, semi-commutations, and {M}{\"o}bius functions", year = "1993", abstract = "The theory of rewriting over free partially commutative monoids (trace rewriting) combines combinatorial aspects from string rewriting (modulo a congruence) and graph rewriting. It leads to feasible algorithms, but some interesting complexity questions are still open. One of the challenging open problems is to improve the known Ciobanuic time bound for the non-uniform complexity of length-reducing systems. For certain one-rule systems we present here a new linear time algorithm for computing irreducible descendants, but we are still not able to handle the general case of multiple rules in linear time. Semi commutations can be treated from the viewpoint of trace rewriting and there are strong connections to the combinatorics of {M\"o}bius-functions.", doi = "10.1007/3-540-57163-9_1" }