Kick-Off Meeting: Wednesday, Oct 15th, 9:30 in room 1.140
Goal of this Fapra is getting used to working with OSM data. We will cover the full pipeline from preprocessing raw OSM data, implementation of suitable graph representations to actual algorithms working on the extracted data. At the end, every participant is expected to create an individual project which does something interesting with OSM data. The final grade is based on this individual project only.
Your are free to choose C++ or Java as programming language, even though the latter has some advantages when it comes to the visualization part. The core functionality of your final project (graph representation and algorithms) must be based on your own code, not on external libraries.
First Assignment (graph representations, Dijkstra’s algorithm) Discussion: Nov, 17th, 11:30-13:00, 1.140
Second Assignment (Visualization)
Third Assignment (Preprocessing OSM data)
Submission of Final Projects
- by end of April 2015
- brief project description (5-10 pages) as well as archive of source code including instructions how to compile/run