@TechReport{ KufleitnerL13tr, author = "Manfred Kufleitner and Alexander Lauser", title = "Nesting Negations in $\mathrm{FO}^{2}$ over Finite Words", institution = "University of Stuttgart", pages = "19", type = "Technical Report Computer Science", number = "2013/07", month = "9", year = "2013", keywords = "regular language; finite monoid; positive variety; first-order logic", language = "English", address = "University of Stuttgart, Institute of Formal Methods in Computer Science, Theoretical Computer Science", abstract = "We consider the fragment $\Sigma^{2}_{m}$ of two-variable first-order logic $\mathrm{FO}^{2}[<]$ over finite words which is defined by restricting the nesting depth of negations to at most m. Our first result is a combinatorial characterization of $\Sigma^{2}_{m}$ in terms of so-called rankers. This generalizes a result by Weis and Immerman which we recover as an immediate consequence. Our second result is an effective algebraic characterization of $\Sigma^{2}_{m}$, i.e., for every integer m one can decide whether a given regular language is definable by a two-variable first-order formula with negation nesting depth at most m. More precisely, for every $m$ we give omega-terms $U_{m}$ and $V_{m}$ such that an $\mathrm{FO}^{2}$-definable language is in $\Sigma^{2}_{m}$ if and only if its ordered syntactic monoid satisfies the identity $U_{m} \le V_{m}$." }