
Manfred Kufleitner


Zeit Raum
Mi 15:45-17:15 V38.01
Do 17:30-19:00 V38.01


Der erste Teil der Vorlesung (ca. 10 Doppelstunden) orientiert sich an dem Buch ALGORITHMIK von Uwe Schöning (Spektrum Lehrbuch).

Danach gibt es einen zweiten Teil (ca. 9 Doppelstunden), in dem das Thema Diskrete Strukturen behandelt wird. Für diesen Teil dient als Grundlage das Buch ELEMENTE DER DISKRETEN MATHEMATIK von Diekert, Kufleitner, Rosenberger.

  • Wenn bereits alle Übungen belegt sind, melden Sie sich für die Warteliste einer Übung mit möglichst kurzer Warteliste an.
  • Gruppe 1 findet online statt, die übrigen Gruppen finden in Präsenz statt. Bitte schicken Sie eine kurze Begründung per Mail an Claudius Proissl (Übungsleiter), wenn Sie an der Online-Gruppe teilnehmen möchten.
  • Die Abgaben der schriftlichen Aufgaben erfolgen über ILIAS.
  • Weitere Informationen zum Ablauf der Übungen finden Sie auf dem ersten Übungsblatt. —>


Zur Teilnahme an der Modulprüfung Theoretische Informatik III benötigen Sie einen Übungsschein. Einen Übungsschein erhält, wer mindestens 50% aller erreichbaren Punkte in den schriftlichen Abgaben erreicht und mindestens 50% aller Votieraufgaben votiert hat. Außerdem muss während des Semesters mindestens eine Votieraufgabe vorgestellt werden.



  • Uwe Schöning: Algorithmik. Springer Spektrum, 2001.
  • Vorlesungsskript zur Diplomvorlesung Entwurf und Analyse von Algorithmen

Diskrete Strukturen:

  • Volker Diekert, Manfred Kufleitner, Gerhard Rosenberger: Elemente der Diskreten Mathematik. Walter de Gruyter, 2013.


[Jun’23] The paper “Parallel algorithms for power circuits and the word problem of the Baumslag group” by Caroline Mattes and Armin Weiß has been accepted at Computational Complexity.

[Oct’22] The paper “Lower Bounds for Sorting 16, 17, and 18 Elements” by Florian Stober and Armin Weiß has been accepted at ALENEX 2023.

[Sep’22] The paper “Conelikes and Ranker Comparisons” by Viktor Henriksson and Manfred Kufleitner has been accepted at LATIN 2022.

[Sep’22] The paper “Improved Parallel Algorithms for Generalized Baumslag Groups” by Caroline Mattes and Armin Weiß has been accepted at LATIN 2022.

[Apr’22] The paper “Reachability Games and Parity Games” by Volker Diekert and Manfred Kufleitner has been accepted at ICTAC 2022.

[Apr’22] The paper “Satisfiability Problems for Finite Groups” by Pawel M. Idziak, Piotr Kawalek, Jacek Krzaczkowski and Armin Weiß has been accepted at ICALP 2022.

[Mar’22] The paper “The Power Word Problem in Graph Products” by Florian Stober and Armin Weiß was accepted at DLT 2022.

[Nov’20] Volker Diekert is Partner Investigator in the Australian ARC grant “Geodetic groups: foundational problems in algebra and computer science” at University of Technology Sydney.

[Apr’20] The paper “Groups with ALOGTIME-hard word problems and PSPACE-complete circuit value problems” by Laurent Bartholdi, Michael Figelius, Markus Lohrey and Armin Weiß has been accepted at CCC 2020.

[Apr’20] The paper “Hardness of equations over finite solvable groups under the exponential time hypothesis” by Armin Weiß has been accepted at ICALP 2020.

[Dec’19] The paper “An Automaton Group with PSPACE-Complete Word Problem” by Jan Philipp Wächter and Armin Weiß has been accepted at STACS 2020.

[Nov’19] Carlos Camino was awarded the stuvus Special Prize for exceptional commitment in teaching.

[Jun’19] The paper “The power word problem” by Markus Lohrey and Armin Weiß has been accepted at MFCS 2019.

[May’19] The paper “On the Average Case of MergeInsertion” by Florian Stober and Armin Weiß has been accepted at IWOCA 2019.

[Oct’18] The paper “Worst-Case Efficient Sorting with QuickMergesort” by Stefan Edelkamp and Armin Weiß has been accepted at ALENEX 2019.

[Jun’18] At CCC 2018, Lukas Fleischer received a Best Student Paper Award for his submission “On the Complexity of the Cayley Semigroup Membership Problem”.

[Jun’18] The paper “Testing Simon’s congruence” by Lukas Fleischer and Manfred Kufleitner was accepted at MFCS 2018.

[Jun’18] The paper “The Intersection Problem for Finite Semigroups” by Lukas Fleischer was accepted at DLT 2018.

[Apr’18] The paper “The isomorphism problem for finite extensions of free groups is in PSPACE” by Géraud Sénizergues and Armin Weiß was accepted at ICALP 2018.

[Apr’18] The paper “On the Complexity of the Cayley Semigroup Membership Problem” by Lukas Fleischer was accepted at CCC 2018.

[Jan’18] On March 24-29, 2019 Volker Diekert, Markus Lohrey, Olga Kharlampovich and Alexei Miasnikov will organize the Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar “Algorithmic Problems in Group Theory”.

[Dec’17] The paper “The Intersection Problem for Finite Monoids” by Lukas Fleischer and Manfred Kufleitner was accepted at STACS 2018.

[Jun’17] At the 12th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR), Lukas Fleischer and Manfred Kufleitner received a Best Paper Award for their publication “Green’s Relations in Finite Transformation Semigroups”, and Armin Weiss received a Best Paper Award for “The conjugacy problem in free solvable groups and wreath product of abelian groups is in $\text{TC}^0$ \text{TC}^0 “ which is joint work with Alexei Miasnikov and Svetla Vassileva.