
Bislang haben wir folgende Prüfungstermine festgelegt:

10.08.12 10:00 S.S.
10.08.12 10:45 M.W.
10.08.12 11:30 I.K.
10.08.12 13:00 J.V.

14.08.12 10:00 P.K.
14.08.12 10:45 T.K.
14.08.12 11:30 F.P.
14.08.12 13:00 M.S.

15.08.12 10:15 M.B.
15.08.12 11:00 K.S.
15.08.12 13:30 M.M.
15.08.12 14:15 S.H.

20.09.12 10:15 S.G.
20.09.12 11:00 A.N.
20.09.12 11:45 T.M.

Die restlichen (10?) Prüfungstermine werden später individuell festgelegt.

Falls jemand fälschlicherweise nicht in der Liste auftaucht bzw. mit falschem Termin, bitte melden. Die Kürzel sollten eigentlich noch eindeutig sein.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Funke

Nikola Milosavljevic, PhD

In dieser Veranstaltung lernen die Hörer die grundlegenden Methoden und Techniken in der Algorithmischen Geometrie kennen. Sowohl Korrektheit als auch Effizienz werden dabei von besonderer Bedeutung sein.

Termine (3V + 1Ü):

Zeit Raum Termine
Di 14:00-15:30 0.108 wöchentlich bis 17.04.2012
Mi 11:30–13:00 0.108 wöchentlich ab 11.04.2012
Do 8:10-9:40 0.463 wöchentlich ab 25.04.2012


Siehe nachfolgendes Skript welches parallel zur Vorlesung entwickelt wird:

Skript (Stand 07.08.2012, Changes).

Die Originalarbeit zum O(n log*n) Algorithmus zur Konstruktion der Trapezierung eines Polygons gibts hier.

Eine Themenaufstellung findet sich hier inkl. Ausschlüssen für die Prüfung (ebenfalls darin: Verweis auf die Inhalte zum linearen Programmieren in einem alten Skript).


Finden abwechselnd mit den Vorlesungen statt.

Übungsblatt Eins

Übungsblatt Zwei

Übungsblatt Drei

Übungsblatt Vier


Ein (unbenoteter) Schein wird auf Wunsch bei regelmäßiger Teilnahme an den Übungen ausgestellt.

Eine Note wird durch eine mündliche Prüfung ermittelt.


de Berg, Cheong, van Kreveld, Overmars: Computational Geometry, Springer 2008


[Oct’21] We have migrated to our new webssite here!

[Jun’19] Our paper on trajectory storage and retrieval has been accepted at SSTD 2019!

[Nov’18] Our paper on regret minimization has been accepted at AAAI 2019 (acceptance rate 16.2%)!

[Oct’18] Our paper on alternative route planning for bicycles has been accepted at ALENEX 2019!

[Apr’18] Martin has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations!

[Jan’18] The journal version of our paper on k-hop path covers will receive a publication award from our university!

[Nov’17] Our paper on a theoretical explanation for several speed-up techniques for route computation has been accepted at AAAI 2018!

[Oct’17] Thomas’ paper on area preserving map simplification has been accepted at ALENEX 2018!

[May’17] Daniel’s and Martin’s paper on rational points on the unit sphere has been accepted at ISSAC 2017!

[Apr’17] Our paper on personalized route planning with dynamic approximation guarantees has been accepted at SEA 2017!

[Jan’17] Martin’s paper on map matching has been accepted at SIAM SDM 2017!

[Nov’16] Our paper on simultaneous maze solving has been accepted at AAAI 2017.

[Okt’16] Two papers, one on growing balls (!), the other on map simplification will be presented at ALENEX 2017.

[Sep’16] Our paper on Deducing Individual Driving Preferences has been accepted at the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2016.

[Feb’16] Our paper on placing loading stations for EVs has been accepted at ICAPS 2016.

[Jul’15] Paper about our GeoSearch Engine OSCAR at the 16th Int. Conf on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE)!

[Jun’15] We feel very honored to have our VLDB’14 paper almost verbatimly reproduced in the ‘prestigous’ journal IJSETR, see here. Yeah! 😉

[Feb’15] We were lucky to receive a Google Research Award for research on personalized route planning!

[Sep’14] Our paper “On k-Path Covers and their Applications” has received a Best Paper Award at the 40th Int. Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB) in Hangzhou (5 out of 139 accepted out of 695 submitted papers).

[Sep’14] Our paper on “Energy-efficient Routing: Taking Speed into Account” has received a Best Paper Award at the 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI).

[Jul’14] Our paper “Placement of Loading Stations for Electric Vehicles: No Detours Necessary!” has received a Honorable Mention at the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) in Quebec City (5 nominated out of 398 accepted out of 1406 submitted papers).

[Mar’14] Our StuPro-Team has completed their great “SchulScheduler” project.

[Nov’13] Jochen has defended his PhD thesis and moved on to TomTom.

[Feb’13] Sabine has defended her PhD thesis (already in Dec’12) and received the INFOS award for best CS PhD thesis in 2012!

[Mar’12] Our paper Path Shapes - An Alternative Method for Map Matching and Fully Autonomous Self-Localization presented at GIS 2011 has received the Best Paper Award, also see the ACM SIGSPATIAL newsletter.