Summer 2018
Algorithms for OpenStreetMap Data
Stefan Funke
Fachpraktikum -
Buch der Beweise
Stefan Funke
Seminar -
Ein webbasierter Routenplaner
Stefan Funke
Algorithms for OpenStreetMap Data
Stefan Funke
Buch der Beweise
Stefan Funke
Ein webbasierter Routenplaner
Stefan Funke
[Oct’21] We have migrated to our new webssite here!
[Jun’19] Our paper on trajectory storage and retrieval has been accepted at SSTD 2019!
[Nov’18] Our paper on regret minimization has been accepted at AAAI 2019 (acceptance rate 16.2%)!
[Oct’18] Our paper on alternative route planning for bicycles has been accepted at ALENEX 2019!
[Apr’18] Martin has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations!
[Jan’18] The journal version of our paper on k-hop path covers will receive a publication award from our university!
[Nov’17] Our paper on a theoretical explanation for several speed-up techniques for route computation has been accepted at AAAI 2018!
[Oct’17] Thomas’ paper on area preserving map simplification has been accepted at ALENEX 2018!
[May’17] Daniel’s and Martin’s paper on rational points on the unit sphere has been accepted at ISSAC 2017!
[Apr’17] Our paper on personalized route planning with dynamic approximation guarantees has been accepted at SEA 2017!
[Jan’17] Martin’s paper on map matching has been accepted at SIAM SDM 2017!
[Nov’16] Our paper on simultaneous maze solving has been accepted at AAAI 2017.
[Okt’16] Two papers, one on growing balls (!), the other on map simplification will be presented at ALENEX 2017.
[Sep’16] Our paper on Deducing Individual Driving Preferences has been accepted at the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2016.
[Feb’16] Our paper on placing loading stations for EVs has been accepted at ICAPS 2016.
[Jul’15] Paper about our GeoSearch Engine OSCAR at the 16th Int. Conf on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE)!
[Jun’15] We feel very honored to have our VLDB’14 paper almost verbatimly reproduced in the ‘prestigous’ journal IJSETR, see here. Yeah! 😉
[Feb’15] We were lucky to receive a Google Research Award for research on personalized route planning!
[Sep’14] Our paper “On k-Path Covers and their Applications” has received a Best Paper Award at the 40th Int. Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB) in Hangzhou (5 out of 139 accepted out of 695 submitted papers).
[Sep’14] Our paper on “Energy-efficient Routing: Taking Speed into Account” has received a Best Paper Award at the 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI).
[Jul’14] Our paper “Placement of Loading Stations for Electric Vehicles: No Detours Necessary!” has received a Honorable Mention at the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) in Quebec City (5 nominated out of 398 accepted out of 1406 submitted papers).
[Mar’14] Our StuPro-Team has completed their great “SchulScheduler” project.
[Nov’13] Jochen has defended his PhD thesis and moved on to TomTom.
[Feb’13] Sabine has defended her PhD thesis (already in Dec’12) and received the INFOS award for best CS PhD thesis in 2012!
[Mar’12] Our paper Path Shapes - An Alternative Method for Map Matching and Fully Autonomous Self-Localization presented at GIS 2011 has received the Best Paper Award, also see the ACM SIGSPATIAL newsletter.
[Feb’12] Our group was awarded a Google Focused Grant on Mathematical Optimization and Combinatorial Optimization in Europe!